In an enchanting world of song and dance, the adventurous Tinkerbell meets up with the fairies from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Together, the cheeky Mustardseed, fluttery Moth, daring Cobweb and sweet Peaseblossom go on a magical quest with Tinkerbell.
The audience is invited to dress up and join in the fun! Come as a fairy, an elf, a Jedi, a pirate or even a superhero! Everyone is welcome to join this sparkling adventure with a special visit to ‘Bubble Land’ to help Tinkerbell and her new fairy friends find her lost wings.
This event will be performed by the Australian Shakespeare Company
About The Australian Shakespeare Company
The Australian Shakespeare Company is renowned for presenting top-class, innovative and accessible productions featuring the country’s finest actors. From humble beginnings in 1987 pioneering outdoor theatre with Shakespeare Under the Stars, Glenn Elston OAM has since built Australia’s largest independent theatre company, which has become a summer tradition for millions of Australians. While best known for performances in parks and gardens, The Australian Shakespeare Company creates extraordinary productions for a range of locations that are not only outdoors. For more information, visit
As currently outlined in the State Government’s COVID-19 roadmap for the return to entertainment and live theatre, all attendees aged 18+ (VIC) will be required to show proof of vaccination, including an exemption, to participate as an audience member this season. For detailed information on The Australian Shakespeare Company’s COVID-safe plan, visit