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Heritage Talk – Heritage Trees linking Past, Present and Future

2pm - 3pm

Wednesday 9 May

Dr Greg Moore is Senior Research Associate at the University of Melbourne (Burley Campus). A botanist and ‘plant mechanic’, Greg has a specific interest in arboriculture, centered on understanding how trees cope with their environment and appreciating the benefits trees in urban spaces.

The need for the recognition and protection of trees of heritage, landscape and biological significance in Australia has been an urgent matter in all Australian States for over 30 years. It is both surprising and disappointing that the long term preservation and recognition of such trees has not been safeguarded by any State government despite the best efforts of the National Trust of Australia or the various attempts by State and Local governments to provide such legislative protection.
The National Trust of Australia, Victoria has a large and active State Register of Significant Trees, with examples to be found close to the heart of the city and within the grounds of Rippon Lea. Over many years Dr Greg Moore has played a significant part in advocating for these tress, significantly as a member of the National Trust’s Register of Significant Trees since 1988 and chair since 1996.
Please join us to share Dr Greg Moore’s passion for the heritage tree.

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